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In the beginning.

Ever so often when I’m in the Salon, someone asks me, ‘what’s your story? why did you guys start nik+pea?”

I usually begin the story by saying, “well, it all began on a beautiful island in the sun…” Okay, I’m just playing.

But in a funny way, it really all began on a little island a long time ago, where i was born into a community and culture of women who relied heavily on the land to survive. 90% of all the food we ate, products we used were from farm to table, we wasted little and a little went a long way.

Though we had an intrinsic wisdom to use natural “ital” products, overtime, it became more acceptable to go to the super market and buy coconut water in a bottle and use products with words that most have no idea what or where it comes from.

We hand made our coconut oil. The scent was such a rich and savory one, with a golden tint of colour. You could see and feel the benefits almost immediately.

So when I moved to Canada and I found myself flooded with a society that appeared to devalue the natural and pure gifts that mother nature gave us. I simply went with the crowd, buying products simply because they were on a shelf.

Looking back, I realize that I had a sort of ‘blind trust’ in these major brands.

Thinking that North America had higher standards. (OH BOY WAS I WRONG).

Luckily, I came back to my senses..

Unfortunately, it was because my hair started to fall out, it became thin, dry, and never seemed to grow. I suffered with acne and eczema and the only remedy that I was given, were prescriptions, steroids and advice. (Don’t you love getting acne advice from someone with beautiful skin..)

So whats a girl to do?

After some much needed retail therapy. I started to reflect on what changed in my life that could have led to my hair+skin care issues.

I took out all my products and learned about ingredients, labels and correct usage. I did a total re-haul of my life. I didn’t only look at the products but also my “way of life”.

Researching beauty regimes from my childhood, I started to experience with herbs, butters, clay and essential oils.


I was obsessed!

Blending and brewing.

Mixing, Infusing and creating Concoctions filled with history, culture and tradition.

Finally, I formulated a series of my what I call my “genesis” products. The ones that contain my passion and purpose. Handmade with unwavering determination to use the beautiful gifts of nature to create a pure hair+skin care line.

In essence, I looked back, in order to move forward.

So when asked, how I ended up designing products, I guess the long and short answer is,

I went back to the beginning.
